Founding of the Educational Center
08 Аpril 2021

The National Traffic Exchange Center founded the Educational Center.
In the spring of 2020, an educational services department was created at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center”. The main goal of this direction was to improve the qualifications of managers and specialists in the field of technical and cryptographic information security. The implementation of the plans and the growing number of people wishing to undergo training led to the need to open our own educational center, which was done on the premises of the Imperial business center. Now course participants will be able to gain knowledge in a modern building equipped with the latest technology.

Specialists in the educational direction of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Traffic Exchange Center" in tandem with professional lecturers from educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus are constantly working to improve the educational process, introducing popular techniques and teaching methods. As part of the implementation of educational activities, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center” is actively developing a partner network. Representatives of leading companies producing software and hardware in the field of information security have already expressed their readiness to cooperate.

Currently, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center” is in the process of obtaining the status of an authorized training center of world-famous manufacturers of software solutions, which will allow students to gain up-to-date knowledge on products in the field of information security, as well as confirm their competencies without leaving the country . The creation of a new material and technical base made it possible already in the second quarter of this year to open enrollment of students in new programs, such as “Personal Data Protection” and “Electronic Government” and others.
Founding of the Educational Center
08 Аpril 2021

The National Traffic Exchange Center founded the Educational Center.
In the spring of 2020, an educational services department was created at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center”. The main goal of this direction was to improve the qualifications of managers and specialists in the field of technical and cryptographic information security. The implementation of the plans and the growing number of people wishing to undergo training led to the need to open our own educational center, which was done on the premises of the Imperial business center. Now course participants will be able to gain knowledge in a modern building equipped with the latest technology.

Specialists in the educational direction of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Traffic Exchange Center" in tandem with professional lecturers from educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus are constantly working to improve the educational process, introducing popular techniques and teaching methods. As part of the implementation of educational activities, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center” is actively developing a partner network. Representatives of leading companies producing software and hardware in the field of information security have already expressed their readiness to cooperate.

Currently, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “National Traffic Exchange Center” is in the process of obtaining the status of an authorized training center of world-famous manufacturers of software solutions, which will allow students to gain up-to-date knowledge on products in the field of information security, as well as confirm their competencies without leaving the country . The creation of a new material and technical base made it possible already in the second quarter of this year to open enrollment of students in new programs, such as “Personal Data Protection” and “Electronic Government” and others.